Source code for pyPSCF.pyPSCF

# -*-coding:Utf-8 -*
import sys
import os
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sst
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import math
import linecache
import pandas as pd

[docs]class PSCF: """ Parameters ---------- station : str The name of the station. specie : str The specie to study. Must be specified in the concentration file. lat0 : float The latitude of the starting point. lon0 : float The longitude of the starting point. folder : str, path Path to the backtrajectories files. prefix : str Prefix of all backtrajectories. Something like 'traj\_OPE\_' add_hour : list or array List of backtrajecories starting hours around the reference hour. Example: add_hour=[-3,0,3] and reference hour of 2017-03-15 09:00, the following backtrajectories will be used: - 2017-03-15 06:00 - 2017-03-15 09:00 - 2017-03-15 12:00 All theses backtrajecories are associated to the concentration of the refrence hour. concFile : str, path. The path to the concentration file. dateMin : str or datetime object The minimal date to account. dateMax : str or datetime object The maximal date to account. percentile : int, default 75 The percentile to use as threshold. threshold : float, default None The concentration threshold. It overrides the `percentile` value. wfunc : boolean, default True Either or not use a weighting function. wfunc_type : "manual" or "auto", default "auto" Type of weighting function. "auto" is continuous. mapMinMax : dict Dictionary of minimun/maximum of lat/lon for the map. Example: mapMinMax = {'latmin': 37.5, 'latmax': 60, 'lonmin': -10, 'lonmax': 20} This example is the default (France centered). cutWithRain : boolean, default True Either or not cut the backtrajectory to the last rainning date. hourinthepast : integer, default 72 Number of hour considered for the backtrajectory life. resQuality : '110m' or '50m', default '110m' The quality of the map. smoothplot : boolean, default True Use a gaussian filter to smooth the map plot. plotBT : boolean, default True Either or not plot all the backtraj in a new axe. plotPolar : boolean, default True Either or not plot the direction the distribution of the PSCF in a polar plot. Other Parameters ---------------- pd_kwarg : dict, optional Dictionary of option pass to pd.read_csv to read the concentration file. By default, pd_kwarg={'index_col'=0, 'parse_date'=['date']}. """ def __init__(self, station, specie, lat0, lon0, folder, prefix, add_hour, concFile, dateMin, dateMax, percentile=75, threshold=None, wfunc=True, wfunc_type="auto", resQuality="110m", smoothplot=True, mapMinMax=None, cutWithRain=True, hourinthepast=72, plotBT=True, plotPolar=True, pd_kwarg=None): self.station = station self.specie = specie self.lat0 = float(lat0) self.lon0 = float(lon0) self.folder = folder self.prefix = prefix self.add_hour = [float(i) for i in add_hour] self.resQuality = resQuality self.percentile = percentile self.threshold = threshold if mapMinMax: self.mapMinMax = mapMinMax else: self.mapMinMax = {'latmin': 37.5, 'latmax': 60, 'lonmin': -10, 'lonmax': 20} self.dateMin = dateMin self.dateMax = dateMax # TODO: properly handle pd_kwarg = pd.read_csv( concFile, index_col=["date"], parse_dates=["date"], # **pd_kwarg ) self.wfunc = wfunc self.wfunc_type = wfunc_type self.plotBT = plotBT self.plotPolar = plotPolar self.smoothplot = smoothplot self.cutWithRain = cutWithRain self.hourinthepast = hourinthepast
[docs] def toRad(self, x): return x*math.pi/180
[docs] def onclick(self, event, plotType): """ Find the BT which pass through the clicked cell.""" ax = plt.gca() if event.button == 1 and (event.xdata and event.ydata): lon, lat = event.xdata, event.ydata lon = np.floor(lon*2)/2 lat = np.floor(lat*2)/2 print("Lon/Lat: {:.2f} / {:.2f}".format(lon, lat)) # find all the BT lonNorm = np.floor(["lon"]*2)/2 latNorm = np.floor(["lat"]*2)/2 df =[((lonNorm == lon) & (latNorm == lat))] if plotType == "PSCF": df = df[:][df["conc"] > self.concCrit] for i in np.unique(df["dateBT"]): tmp =[:][["dateBT"] == i] ax.plot(tmp["lon"], tmp["lat"], '-', color='0.75') # , marker='.') print("date: {:10} | BT: {:13}h | [x]: {:f}".format( tmp["date"].iloc[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), tmp["dateBT"].iloc[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H'), tmp["conc"].iloc[0]) ) print("") sys.stdout.flush() event.canvas.draw() if event.button == 3: ax.lines = [] if plotType == "allBT": var = self.trajdensity_ elif plotType == "PSCF": var = self.PSCF_ else: raise ValueError("`plotType` must be in ['allBT', 'PSCF']") if self.smoothplot: var = gaussian_filter(var, 1) ax.pcolormesh(self.lon_map, self.lat_map, var.T, cmap='hot_r') ax.plot(self.lon0, self.lat0, 'o', color='0.75') event.canvas.draw()
[docs] def extractBackTraj(self): """ Sum up back trajectories file into a pandas DataFrame according to the class parameters. Return ------ df : pd.DataFrame """ df = pd.DataFrame() for date, conc in zip(, self.conc): # find all back traj for the date d for hour in self.add_hour: # open back traj file # name = self.prefix + aammddhh(date+dt.timedelta(hours=hour)) name = self.prefix + \ (date+dt.timedelta(hours=hour)).strftime('%y%m%d%H') datafile = os.path.join(self.folder, name) if not os.path.isfile(datafile): print('Back-trajectory {} file is missing'.format(name)) continue else: # add the lon/lat of the BT nb_line_to_skip = linecache.getline(datafile, 1).split() nb_line_to_skip = int(nb_line_to_skip[0]) meteo_idx = linecache.getline(datafile, nb_line_to_skip+4).split() idx_names = [ "a", "b", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "c", "d", "run", "lat", "lon", "alt" ] idx_names = np.hstack((idx_names, meteo_idx[1:])) traj = pd.read_table( datafile, header=None, sep="\s+", names=idx_names, skiprows=nb_line_to_skip+4, nrows=self.hourinthepast ) lat = traj["lat"] lon = traj["lon"] rain = traj["RAINFALL"] # if it was raining at least one time, we cut it if self.cutWithRain and any(rain > 0): idx_rain = np.where(rain != 0)[0][0] lat = lat[:idx_rain] lon = lon[:idx_rain] dftmp = pd.DataFrame(data={ "date": date, "dateBT": date+dt.timedelta(hours=hour), "conc": conc, "lon": lon, "lat": lat }) df = pd.concat([df, dftmp]) return df
[docs] def run(self): """Run the PSCF model and add 4 attributes to the PSCF object: Returns ------- ngrid_ : ndarray The number of end-point of back-trajectories in each grid cell mgrid_ : ndarray The number of en-point of back-trajectories in each grid cell accociated with concentration > self.concCrit PSCF_ : ndarray mgrid/ngrid, the PSCF data. trajdensity_ : ndarray log_10(ngrid) """ specie = self.specie percentile = self.percentile threshold = self.threshold data = mapMinMax = self.mapMinMax # extract relevant info # date format for the file "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" data = data[(data.index > self.dateMin) & (data.index < self.dateMax)] = data.index self.conc = data[specie] # ===== critical concentration if percentile: concCrit = sst.scoreatpercentile(self.conc, percentile) elif threshold: concCrit = threshold else: raise ValueError("'percentile' or 'threshold' shoud be specified.'") # if len(concCrit)==1: # concCrit = concCrit[0] self.concCrit = concCrit # ===== Extract all back-traj needed =========================== = self.extractBackTraj() # ===== convert lon/lat to 0, 0.5, 1, etc # +0.1 in order to have the max in the array self.lon = np.arange(mapMinMax["lonmin"], mapMinMax["lonmax"]+0.01, 0.5) = np.arange(mapMinMax["latmin"], mapMinMax["latmax"]+0.01, 0.5) self.lon_map, self.lat_map = np.meshgrid(self.lon, ngrid, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(["lon"],["lat"], bins=[ np.hstack((self.lon, self.lon[-1]+0.5)), np.hstack((,[-1]+0.5)) ] ) maskgtconcCrit =["conc"] >= concCrit mgrid, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d([maskgtconcCrit, "lon"],[maskgtconcCrit, "lat"], bins=[ np.hstack((self.lon, self.lon[-1]+0.5)), np.hstack((,[-1]+0.5)) ] ) not0 = np.where(ngrid != 0) PSCF = np.zeros(np.shape(ngrid)) PSCF[not0] = mgrid[not0]/ngrid[not0] trajdensity = np.zeros(np.shape(ngrid)) trajdensity[not0] = np.log10(ngrid[not0]) # ===== Weighting function if self.wfunc: wF = np.zeros(np.shape(ngrid)) # TODO: "manual" is not yet implemented in the API if self.wfunc_type == "manual": self.wfunc_type = "auto" if self.wfunc_type == "manual": wFlim = np.array([float(param["wFlim"][0]), float(param["wFlim"][1]), float(param["wFlim"][2])]) * trajdensity.max() wFval = np.array([float(param["wFval"][0]), float(param["wFval"][1]), float(param["wFval"][2]), float(param["wFval"][3])]) wF[np.where(trajdensity < wFlim[0])] = wFval[0] wF[np.where((trajdensity >= wFlim[0]) & (trajdensity < wFlim[1]))] = wFval[1] wF[np.where((trajdensity >= wFlim[1]) & (trajdensity < wFlim[2]))] = wFval[2] wF[np.where(trajdensity >= wFlim[2])] = wFval[3] elif self.wfunc_type == "auto": # m0 = np.where(mgrid !=0) # wF[m0] = np.log(mgrid[m0])/np.log(ngrid.max()) wF[not0] = np.log(ngrid[not0])/np.log(ngrid.max()) PSCF = PSCF * wF self.ngrid_ = ngrid self.mgrid_ = mgrid self.PSCF_ = PSCF self.trajdensity_ = trajdensity
def _prepare_figure(self): """Set the base of a map figure :returns: (fig, ax) """ fig = plt.figure() # keep handle for the onclick function ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_extent( [ self.mapMinMax["lonmin"], self.mapMinMax["lonmax"], self.mapMinMax["latmin"], self.mapMinMax["latmax"], ], ccrs.PlateCarree() ) return (fig, ax) def _plot_pcolormesh(self, data, fig=None, ax=None): """Plot the 2D data `data` on a figure using pcolormesh """ if (fig is None) and (ax is None): fig, ax = self._prepare_figure() if self.smoothplot: d = gaussian_filter(data, 1) else: d = data ax.coastlines(resolution=self.resQuality) ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS.with_scale(self.resQuality), edgecolor='grey') pmesh = ax.pcolormesh(self.lon_map, self.lat_map, d, cmap='hot_r') ax.plot(self.lon0, self.lat0, 'o', color='0.75')
[docs] def plot_backtraj(self): """Plot a map of all trajectories. """ print(self) fig, ax = self._prepare_figure() self._plot_pcolormesh(self.trajdensity_.T, fig=fig, ax=ax) plotTitle = "{station}\nBacktrajectories probability (log(n))".format( station=self.station ) ax.set_title(plotTitle) cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', lambda event: self.onclick(event, "allBT")) fig.canvas.set_window_title(self.station+"_allBT")
[docs] def plot_PSCF(self): """Plot the PSCF map. """ fig, ax = self._prepare_figure() self._plot_pcolormesh(self.PSCF_.T, fig=fig, ax=ax) plotTitle = "{station}, {specie} > {concCrit:.2f}\nFrom {dmin} to {dmax}".format( station=self.station, specie=self.specie, concCrit=self.concCrit, dmin=min('%Y/%m/%d'), dmax=max('%Y/%m/%d') ) ax.set_title(plotTitle) cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', lambda event: self.onclick(event, "PSCF")) fig.canvas.set_window_title(self.station+self.specie)
[docs] def plot_PSCF_polar(self): """ Plot a polar plot of the PSCF """ # change the coordinate system to polar from the station point deltalon = self.lon0 - self.lon mesh_deltalon, mesh_lat = np.meshgrid(deltalon, mesh_lon, _ = np.meshgrid(self.lon, mesh_deltalon = self.toRad(mesh_deltalon) mesh_lon = self.toRad(mesh_lon) mesh_lat = self.toRad(mesh_lat) a = np.sin(mesh_deltalon) * np.cos(mesh_lat) b = np.cos(self.lat0*math.pi/180)*np.sin(mesh_lat) \ - np.sin(self.lat0*math.pi/180)*np.cos(mesh_lat)*np.cos(mesh_deltalon) bearing = np.arctan2(a, b) bearing += math.pi/2 # change the origin: from N to E bearing[np.where(bearing < 0)] += 2*math.pi # set angle between 0 and 2pi bearing = bearing.T # select and count the BT in a given Phi range mPhi = list() theta = self.toRad(np.arange(0, 361, 22.5)) mPhi.append(np.sum(self.mgrid_[np.where(bearing <= theta[1])])) for i in range(1, len(theta)-1): mPhi.append(np.sum(self.mgrid_[np.where((theta[i] < bearing) & (bearing <= theta[i+1]))])) # convert it in percent values = mPhi/np.sum(self.mgrid_)*100 # ===== Plot part figPolar = plt.figure() xticklabel = ['E', 'NE', 'N', 'NW', 'W', 'SW', 'S', 'SE'] axPolar = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') bars =[:-1], values, width=math.pi/8, align="edge") axPolar.xaxis.set_ticklabels(xticklabel) axPolar.yaxis.set_ticks(range(0, int(max(values)), 5)) plotTitle = "{station}, {specie} > {concCrit}\nFrom {dmin} to {dmax}".format( station=self.station, specie=self.specie, concCrit=self.concCrit, dmin=min('%Y/%m/%d'), dmax=max('%Y/%m/%d') ) ax.set_title(plotTitle) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85, bottom=0.05, left=0.07, right=0.93) figPolar.canvas.set_window_title(self.station+self.specie+"_windrose")