Source code for pyPSCF.BackTrajHysplit

import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import time
import datetime as dt
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import calendar
import re
import json
import shutil
import pandas as pd
from multiprocessing import Process

[docs]class BT(): """ Compute the back-trajectory for the given station between dateMin and dateMax. Parameters ---------- station : str The station lat : float Latitude of the starting point lon : float Longitude of the starting point alt : float Altitude of the starting point dateMin : str Starting date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" dateMax : str Ending date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" stepHH : int Interval between 2 starting hour hBT : int (negative) Number of hour to go in the past dirOutput : str path to the output directory dirGDAS : str path to the GDAS meteorological directory dirHysplit : str path to the hysplit root directory cpu : int Number of CPU to use. Beware, each of them is use to its maximum. """ def __init__(self, station=None, lat=None, lon=None, alt=None, dateMin=None, dateMax=None, stepHH=None, hBT=None, dirOutput=None, dirGDAS=None, dirHysplit=None, cpu=None): # TODO: Check types of user input and if path actually exist. self.station = station self.dirOutput = Path(dirOutput).resolve() self.dirGDAS = Path(dirGDAS).resolve() self.dirHysplit = Path(dirHysplit).resolve() self.HysplitExecFile = (self.dirHysplit / "exec" / "hyts_std").resolve() if sys.platform == "win32": self.HysplitExecFile = (self.HysplitExecFile.with_suffix(".exe")).resolve() self.HysplitWorkingDir = (self.dirHysplit / "working").resolve() self.HysplitControlFile = (self.HysplitWorkingDir / "CONTROL").resolve() self.HysplitSetupFile = (self.HysplitWorkingDir / "SETUP.CFG").resolve() self.dateMin = pd.to_datetime(dateMin) self.dateMax = pd.to_datetime(dateMax) = lat self.lon = lon self.alt = alt self.stepHH = stepHH self.hBT = hBT self.cpu = cpu self.CONTROL_tpl = """{YY} {MM} {DD} {HH} 1 {lat} {lon} {alt} {hBT} 0 10000.0 {nfiles} {dirGDASandfile} {dirOutput}/ {currentFile} """ self.SETUP_tpl = """&SETUP tratio = 0.25, tout = 60, tm_tpot = 0, tm_tamb = 0, tm_rain = 1, tm_mixd = 0, tm_relh = 0, tm_sphu = 0, tm_mixr = 0, tm_dswf = 0, tm_terr = 0, / """
[docs] def get_currentFile(self, station, d): """ Return the name of the file given a station and a date Parameters --------- station : str The name of the station d : datetime The datetime of the backtrajectory Returns ------- currentFile : str traj_{station}_{YYMMDDHH} """ formatDate = dt.datetime.strftime(d, "%y%m%d%H") return "traj_"+station+"_"+formatDate
[docs] def update_date(self, d, stepHH): """ Update the date by a given step Parameters ---------- d : datetime Previous datetime stepHH : int Number of hour to go forward Returns ------- datetime : datetime d + stepHH """ return d + pd.Timedelta(str(stepHH)+"H")
[docs] def write_CONTROL_file(self, curDate, currentFile): """ Create the correct CONTROL file for the given date Parameters ---------- curDate : datetime The datetime to compute currentFile : str The name of the file """ preDate = curDate + relativedelta(months=-1) mon = dt.datetime.strftime(preDate, "%b").lower() year = dt.datetime.strftime(preDate, "%y") files = [] # previous month files = ["gdas1.{mon}{year}.w{i}".format(mon=mon, year=year, i=i) for i in range(3, 6)] # other file (all the current month) mon = dt.datetime.strftime(curDate, "%b").lower() year = dt.datetime.strftime(curDate, "%y") files += ["gdas1.{mon}{year}.w{i}".format(mon=mon, year=year, i=i) for i in range(1, 6)] for f in files: if not (self.dirGDAS / f).exists(): files.remove(f) dirGDASandfile = "" for file in files: dirGDASandfile += "{dirGDAS}/\n{file}\n".format(dirGDAS=self.dirGDAS, file=file) dirGDASandfile = dirGDASandfile.strip() # Write the CONTROL file YY = dt.datetime.strftime(curDate, "%y") MM = dt.datetime.strftime(curDate, "%m") DD = dt.datetime.strftime(curDate, "%d") HH = dt.datetime.strftime(curDate, "%H") CONTROL = self.CONTROL_tpl.format( YY=YY, MM=MM, DD=DD, HH=HH,, lon=self.lon, alt=self.alt, hBT=self.hBT, nfiles=len(files), dirGDASandfile=dirGDASandfile, dirOutput=self.dirOutput, currentFile=currentFile ) with"w") as f: f.write(CONTROL)
[docs] def write_SETUP_file(self): """Well... write the setup file """ SETUP = self.SETUP_tpl.format() with"w") as f: f.write(SETUP)
[docs] def compute_BT(self, date, filename): """ Compute the BT for the given datetime Parameters ---------- date : datetime The datetime to compute filename : str The name of the output file """ # Write the SETUP file self.write_SETUP_file() # Write the CONTROL file self.write_CONTROL_file(date, filename) # Execute hysplit print("Processing : ", filename) os.system(str(self.HysplitExecFile))
[docs] def compute_BTs(self): """ Compute all the BT from dateMin to dateMax """ os.chdir(str(self.HysplitWorkingDir)) curDate = self.dateMin while curDate <= self.dateMax: currentFile = self.get_currentFile(self.station, curDate) if Path(self.dirOutput / currentFile).exists(): print("File already exist: ", currentFile) curDate = self.update_date(curDate, self.stepHH) continue with as f: cfile = f.readlines() if cfile and (currentFile in cfile[-1].strip()): print("File is already processing: ", currentFile) curDate = self.update_date(curDate, self.stepHH) time.sleep(np.random.rand()*2) continue self.compute_BT(curDate, currentFile) curDate = self.update_date(curDate, self.stepHH)
[docs] def run(self): """ Run compute_BTs one time per cpu each in a subprocess. """ for i in range(self.cpu): time.sleep(1) p = Process(target=self.compute_BTs) p.start() # block until the last process finish p.join()