Using the GUI ============= In order to be available for a broader audience, a GUI is also provided. However, the GUI is not part of the pypi or conda package yet. You have to download it mannually [from the git repo]( ( [direct link]( ). There are several way to run the GUI, depending on what you are familiar with. * From the terminal: navigate where the `GUI.pyw` file is, then enter ```bash python3 GUI.pyw ``` * Using spyder/ipython ```py %run GUI.pyw ``` * Graphically: simply double click on `GUI.pyw`. It may work. Maybe. If it doesn't start, ensure that you are running python 3 and not python 2. Initialization -------------- The script looks for files in `parameters` named `localParamBackTraj.json`, `localParamPSCF.json`, `locationStation.json`. The package gives you the same three file, with a `_default.json` extension. Copy and rename them in order to have the correct one in `parameters`: ``` parameters ├── SETUP_backTraj.CFG ├── localParamBackTraj.json ├── localParamBackTraj_default.json ├── localParamPSCF.json ├── localParamPSCF_default.json ├── locationStation.json └── locationStation_default.json ``` Compute the back-trajectories ----------------------------- ### Hysplit The back-trajectories have to be computed before running the PSCF script. We use here the HYSPLIT program from the NOAA. As HYSPLIT is a relatively big software with many option and configuration, we developed a tool to compute the back trajectory in a easy way. However, you still need the HYSPLIT program. You can found it at []( ### GUI description ![](../static/img/BackTrajGUI.png "BackTrajGui") Once the script starts, you should see the window presented in the figure above. Navigate to the `Back-trajectory` tab on the top if it is not already open. This window presents the different parameters use to compute the back-trajectories. Let's describe each of its field. * Button frame * *Run Back-traj*: Save the parameters show in this tab in `parameters/localParamBackTraj.json` then compute the back-trajectories with theses parameters. * *Save BackTraj*: Save the parameters in the `parameters/localParamBackTraj.json` file without running the computation. * *Exit*: Quit the GUI without saving the parameters. * *Meteo (GDAS) directory*: select the path to the GDAS files. GDAS is a file format uses to store meteorological data and are freely available from the [NOAA website]( or [ftp]( * *Hysplit directory*: select the root path of the Hysplit directory's installation. It should contain the subdirectories *working, exec, script* etc. * *Output directory*: select where the back-trajectories files will be save. * *Station frame* * *Station*: select the desired reference point. If the station is not in the list you have to add yourself the station in the `parameters/locationStation.json` file. * *Longitude/Latitude*: enter the longitude/latitude of the station. It should be updated automatically with the selection of the station. * *Altitude*: enter the altitude (in meter from the surface) of the back-trajectory starting point.